Category: Weather Rambles

A Word Of Thanks…

First, I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of our viewers.  Your support of what we’re doing here is incredible and, at times, truly…

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Catching Up On Where We’ve Been And What Lies Ahead…

January is off to a frigid start. After a mild December, January is certainly reminding folks that there’s a lot of winter in this pattern. Precipitation is running above normal…

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Friday Evening Rambles; Busy Winter Pattern…

*Your complete and updated 7-day will be posted later tonight.  As always, please click on the images below to enlarge.

1.) Early freezing rain will give way to a moderate to heavy rain event Saturday.  Widespread 1″-2″ rainfall amounts can be expected.  If traveling during the predawn hours across central Indiana, be aware for possible light glazing from freezing rain.  Forecast radar shows freezing rain potential shortly after midnight.  This should transition to all rain between 2a-4a across central Indiana, but if your travels take you north, northern parts of the state will hang on to a wintry mix a few hours longer.


2.) We’re eyeing an accumulating snow event as a clipper system and associated arctic front blow in Monday night and Tuesday.  Still early to talk specific snow amounts, but it’s the type event that could deposit a “few” inches.  More in the days ahead.  Wind and brutal cold will accompany this snow.


3.) Dangerous cold invades next week and reaches coldest levels Wednesday into Thursday. Wind chill values may approach 30 degrees below zero.  Definitely a dangerous scenario if you plan to be outdoors for any length of time period.


4.) Additional wintry mischief awaits later next week…

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Monday Evening Video Update

This evening we take a look at fresh arctic air pouring southeast and click through the various midrange model solutions for the weekend storm system.

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Monday Evening Video Update…

Quick video update tonight on the weather situation ahead this week!

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Monday Evening Video Brief

Additional showers will rotate through central Indiana during the overnight, followed by a colder mid week stretch.  All eyes remain on the weekend for an impactful winter weather event across…

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Sunday Morning Rambles…

1.) It’s nice to see the sun for once.  While we’ll still have mid and high level cloudiness to deal with later today, we’ll gladly take what we can get of the good ole vitamin D this time of the year!


2.) Rain over the Thursday-Friday period followed along very closely to what modeling suggested.  Heaviest rains fell central and south.


3.) A cold front will move through Monday evening with a few showers, gusty winds, and set up a cold week, overall.


4.) In the long range, we continue to really like the looks of things from a winter weather lover’s point of view.  Undercutting jet supplying storm potential, arctic intrusion, and a blocky look… Details will have to be sorted through as time draws closer, but from this perspective, the pattern continues to look like it’s heading towards one capable of widespread colder than normal air and winter storm potential Christmas week.


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Thursday Morning Rambles…

A wintry mix of sleet and freezing rain continues to advance slowly northeast this morning. Thankfully, most of the rush hour should be over by the time any of this wintry precipitation arrives and we have a couple things going for us this morning: 1.) Drier air is giving this precipitation a tough time advancing northeast and 2.) by the time the precipitation arrives, temperatures will be marginal for many road problems, if any.  By far the more concerning issues are off to the southwest of Indianapolis, including places like Terre Haute (where moderate snow was reported at 9am).


The HRRR slowly pushes the wintry mix along the I-70 corridor this morning.


Attention then turns to a heavy rain event Friday into Saturday morning. Widespread 1-2″ amounts are expected.


Forecast radar shows periods of heavy rain overnight Friday into Saturday morning.


Much more this evening!

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Another Bout Of Rush Hour Wintry Mix; Longer Range Talk…

We think we’re dealing with another round of light freezing drizzle and a wintry mix for the Thursday morning commute.  Plan to allow extra travel time.

Forecast radar Thursday morning suggests freezing drizzle and a light wintry mix is in play across central Indiana.

Forecast radar Thursday morning suggests freezing drizzle and a light wintry mix is in play across central Indiana.

There’s some longer term data that’s in stark contrast from what a positive PNA should produce (yet alone a strong positive PNA).  Typical positive PNA pattern should promote an eastern trough and associated colder than normal pattern as drawn below:


Needless to say, we disagree strongly with the NAEFS and GFS ensembles:


Regardless, the future will tell!  

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Catching Up And Looking Ahead…

From the family to yours, we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for taking the time to read our content daily and for all of your support…

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