Pre Super Bowl Rambles: Stormy Pattern Shifts To A Return Of Significant Cold?

In the short-term, there’s no getting around the very active pattern in place. As we’ve been discussing, we’ll find ourselves “smack dab” in the middle of a battle ground between a stubborn southeast ridge and building cold to our northwest. The fight in between will yield well above normal precipitation over the next couple of weeks.

Over the upcoming (10) days, expect a roller coaster ride in the temperature department as the battle takes place. While the most anomalous warmth is taking place now (IND is on pace to set a new record high temperature before the end of the day), relative warmth will continue to dominate into midweek before colder air presses and wins out.

After Monday’s light rain, we’re targeting (3) opportunities for significant precipitation across the region:

I. Tuesday night-Wednesday (still may include a risk of freezing rain across north-central communities).

II. Wednesday night-Thursday morning

III. Thursday night-Friday morning (ending as light snow)

When all is said and done, model data is in agreement on significant rainfall totals across central Indiana (2″ to 3″ amounts will be common by Friday).

Thereafter, confidence is high on colder air returning as we close the week and head into next weekend.

Guidance suggests that we still need to remain abreast of the potential of a more widespread wintry event late next weekend and this is something we’ll continue to keep close tabs on as we progress through the upcoming week. As of now, this doesn’t appear to be a major event, but stay tuned.

As we look ahead, we’ll have to continue keeping a close eye on the MJO. Today’s update shows the majority of data swinging things into Phase 8 by mid to late month. Should that come to fruition, prospects of another significant cold spell loom large…

Fun times ahead- no matter how you look at it! 🙂

Enjoy the game!

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