Category: Weather Rambles

Monday Evening Rambles…

1.)  Tuesday’s upper air disturbance looks to track further and further SW with each and every passing model run.  While we’ll keep an eye on things, it’s apparent that best snow chances will be across far SW counties, and even that may be generous (this thing is tracking much further west than what appeared a couple days ago), courtesy of NCEP.

42.)  A significant warm-up is still on schedule for late week, centered on Friday, where temperatures will likely push to, or exceed, 60 degrees as ridging builds in.  Image courtesy of

13.)  The warmth will be brief, however, as a colder pattern returns (thank you positive PNA), including an interesting look for winter storm potential across the east days 8-10.  (No need to get fancy with specifics at this juncture).


PositivePNA4.) The significant cold over the past 7 days has really eaten away at the warm start to the month, courtesy of


ncep_cfsr_noram_t2m_2weeks_anom5.) Nearly 44% of the Lower 48 is snow covered at present. That compares to 25.6% of the Nation covered in snow for the same time last year.


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Taking A Moment To Level Set…

Two snow events are lined up to impact at least parts of central IN over the next few days. Friday Light Snow:  We still expect an area of light snow…

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Tuesday Morning Rambles…

 5-10 day temperature anomalies. SOURCE:   Week 2 Accumulated Precipitation Anomalies. SOURCE:  Interested in our personalized consulting services? Email for more details.  We’re just beginning a very wintry…

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Saturday Afternoon Rambles…

1.)  Be sure to get outside and enjoy today!  We’ll take sunshine this time of year any how we can get it! Big changes loom moving forward.  While Super Bowl…

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Series Of Upper Disturbances Bring Snow…

The relatively quiet and mild time of things this weekend will quickly give way to the promised return of winter next week.  An arctic cold front will sweep through the state late Sunday and set things in motion that will keep the weather feeling, and looking, very wintry around these parts over the upcoming week.

As we’ve discussed, models will struggle with handling the local impacts of multiple upper air disturbances that will race southeast in the fast northwest flow aloft.  We think Monday-Tuesday offer up the best chances of accumulating snow in the near term.  The upper energy will be able to maximize snow production around these parts and this looks like a 1″-3″ type event, with local amounts to 4″.  Winds will be quite gusty and blowing and drifting will be an issue, particularly in the open country.

Monday evening

Monday evening

Tuesday evening

Tuesday evening

Another vigorous disturbance will race southeast Thursday afternoon.  While the Canadian shows the bulk of the energy to our north, it would be close enough to ignite snow showers around here, as well.  Expect small changes with timing and track as we get closer.


Thursday evening

Longer term, we also keep close eyes on next weekend.  The pattern is one that should promote a significant widespread winter storm.  The devil is in the details and we still have a ways to go, but the pattern set-up is one that screams an Ohio Valley winter storm threat from this distance.

Giddy up! 🙂

European Ensemble Valentine's Day. Source:

European Ensemble Valentine’s Day. Source:

European Ensemble Monday, Feb. 15th. Source:

European Ensemble Monday, Feb. 15th. Source:

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Friday Evening Video Update…

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Wednesday Morning Rambles…

January, to date, has been cold and dry, locally. Officially, Indianapolis is running 1° below normal and nearly 1″ below normal.       After several relatively “boring” days, much more…

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Snow Map Comparison…

Here’s a comparison of our snowfall forecast and what was actually reported, thanks to the fine folks at the Indianapolis National Weather Service office.  1











By the way, thank you for all of the reports and photos today!  We ended up with 2.6″ at the IndyWx HQ (Whitestown).

Looking ahead, there are more challenges that await next week, after a relatively boring, cold weekend.  Folks from the southern Appalachians up into the Mid Atlantic will share in a memorable winter storm that will be flat-out crippling for some by the time all is said and done over the weekend.

Much more late tonight or early Thursday!

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Lots To Look At…

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Bitter Week Ahead; What About Snow Chances?

January to date is running 2 degrees above normal at IND.  That number will drop significantly this week with the punch of arctic air inbound.


After a snowy week last week, we’ll attempt to make another run this week.  Despite model inconsistencies, we focus on Sunday morning, Tuesday night-Wednesday morning, and late week for accumulating snow prospects.  More on that in a minute.

Note the difference in snow cover, locally, when compared to this time last year.  Can we get things to look similar to image 2 below come late week?  We’re on the playing field, at the very least.


2The arctic surge of bitter air will blast into central IN Sunday morning late into the afternoon. Temperatures will be on the plunge, and reach the single digits come evening.  Wind chill values will go below zero Sunday afternoon.

Forecast temperatures around lunchtime Sunday. Source:

Forecast temperatures around lunchtime Sunday. Source:

Forecast temperatures Sunday evening. Source:

Forecast temperatures Sunday evening. Source:

A blast of snow showers and embedded squalls will accompany the arctic surge Sunday morning and may accumulate up to an inch in spots.  Strong and gusty winds will create brief whiteout conditions from time to time.

1We eye the Tuesday night and Wednesday time frame for the next opportunity of accumulating snow.  A “plowable” snow may be in the works during this time frame and we’ll continue to keep a close eye on things.


Wednesday morning as depicted by the 12z GFS. Source:

Things remain very active moving forward.  While the model specifics differ significantly at this juncture (no surprise ;-)), it’s important to look at the overall picture and see the potential of a fairly widespread winter event late next week.f144ps2png-atls13-95e2cf679cd58ee9b4db4dd119a05a8d-AYqVLj

Stay tuned.  There are significant differences between the potential of this event and the reality of the past several more significant precipitation makers.  – Namely a blocking cold high to the north as the more significant moisture arrives.  This will help supply the cold and limit the northward track to a point.  Is it a mostly snow event or do we get into the wintry mix potential?   Many questions will have to be answered in the days ahead.

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