Category: 7-Day Outlook

Light Showers To Begin The Week Otherwise Cool And Dry…















44/ 62

42/ 54

37/ 56

37/ 59

45/ 65

48/ 69

49/ 73 

Reinforcing Cool Air…After a cool weekend, a reinforcing shot of unseasonably chilly air will move into the region later this evening.  A couple sprinkles or light showers are possible both today and Tuesday, but rainfall amounts will remain light for those that do see a shower.  The bigger story will be the cool air as highs Tuesday only top out in the lower to middle 50s.  Patchy frost is possible Wednesday and Thursday mornings as skies clear and lows dip into the 30s.

Extended Stretch Of Dry Weather…High pressure will supply lots of sunshine and an extended stretch of dry weather Tuesday night through the weekend.  Additionally, after an unseasonably chill start to the period, temperatures will moderate, reaching above normal levels over the weekend.  All-in-all, a very pleasant weekend appears to be waiting on deck.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 0.10″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 0.00″

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This was the peak weekend for fall foliage across many central Indiana communities.  Lots of vibrant colors remain and with an overall dry, cool week upcoming we should be able to hold onto that color for a while longer.  John Salewicz sent in this beautiful photo taken in Zionsville over the weekend showcasing the color.  Thanks, John!


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Beauty Of A Close To The Work Week…

Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thr.               50/ 69 40/ 52 34/ 56 45/ 63 43/ 56 37/ 56 34/ 57  Pick Of…

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Showers Today; Drier, Cooler Theme The Rest Of The Week…















52/ 57

51/ 62

49/ 67

42/ 53

38/ 53

41/ 59

44/ 57 

Showery Wednesday…A big ole swirl continues across our region, courtesy of an upper level low moving slowly east through the Ohio Valley.  This will help generate light to moderate showers today, focused on this afternoon and evening for most widespread activity.  Otherwise, expect a chilly day as highs don’t make it out of the 50s.

Increasing Sunshine, But Cooler…Though it’ll be slow to take place at first, increasing sunshine can be expected as we put a wrap on the work week.  Thursday will likely still feature considerable cloudiness, but just the chance of an isolated shower (most stay dry Thursday).

The story for the weekend will be one that features dry, yet chilly fall weather.  Below normal temperatures and mostly sunny to partly cloudy conditions can be expected.

Fast Moving Early Week System…A fast moving frontal boundary will race through the area Monday evening into early Tuesday with another chance of light to moderate rainfall.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 0.25″ – 0.50″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 0.00″

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Much Needed Dry Time On Deck For #Harvest14…

Despite another day of showery, damp weather Wednesday, the overall “trend is our friend” in the short to mid range as a much drier pattern develops.

Drier, cooler air will penetrate into the Mid West and Ohio Valley as the weekend draws closer.
























It’s important to note the GFS has support on the drier trend to include some other highly respected mid range model suites such as the Canadian and European.

The next round of rain arrives Tuesday with reinforcing chilly air that could deliver mid and late week frost and freeze conditions for parts of the region.  The Canadian is a little more bullish on rainfall totals when stacked against the GFS and European.  We’ll continue to monitor.

















Regardless of Tuesday rain, we’ll quickly return to a dry regime by the middle of next week.

The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) agrees on a drier pattern in the mid range.












Latest forecast rainfall totals off the GFS model suggest amounts of 0.50″, or less, across the region over the upcoming 7-days, and it’s important to note half of that likely falls Wednesday with showers associated with swirling low pressure around the region.









Note the cooler trend developing in the 7-day, as well:


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Tuesday Morning Rambles: Rain, Dry Time, And Frost?!

More rain is in the forecast today and Wednesday as a big, slow moving autumn storm system takes its time moving through the region. Additional rain the next 36 hours…

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Cool Autumn Weekend; Severe Storm Potential Monday Night…















– –/ 59

42/ 62

56/ 73

55/ 67

52/ 63

51/ 60

50/ 69 

Cool Autumn Weekend…The rest of today will feature mid and high level cloudiness, but dry conditions.  Cool north to northeast winds will blow and require jackets or sweaters if venturing outside for too long of a time.

Be sure to enjoy the brief dry weather Saturday as shower chances return as early as Sunday, particularly during the afternoon hours and on.  Moisture will begin to surge back north in advance of a storm system that will lead to some rough weather around these parts to open the new work week.

Monday Severe Potential…Gusty southwest winds will usher in a warmer and more humid feel of things Monday out ahead of our next strong storm system.  We continue to closely monitor the potential of severe weather Monday night into Tuesday morning and want to highlight the threat of damaging straight line wind potential embedded with a possible squall line.  Beforehand, showers and embedded thunder will be possible during the daytime Monday.

We note the GFS remains consistent on strong to severe storm potential Monday night into Tuesday morning while the European is more delayed (suggesting more of a threat during the day time Tuesday).  For now, we’re leaning more towards the GFS and we’ll have more on the early week severe threat Sunday.  Locally heavy rain is also a good bet during this time, including widespread 1″-1.5″, with locally heavier totals.

Taking The More Optimistic Approach…Some forecast data wants to keep considerable cloudiness and pesky light showers around into the mid week period, but for now we’re still going with the more optimistic outlook and including drier weather along with cooler temperatures for the balance of the upcoming work week.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 1-2″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 0.00″

We continue to highlight Monday night/ Tuesday morning for the potential of severe weather, including damaging straight line winds. Here’s what the high resolution NAM simulated radar suggests at 8p Monday local time.


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Not The Best Of Weather To Close The Work Week…















50/ 59

49/ 57

41/ 59

44/ 62

59/ 72

52/ 65

43/ 59 

Not “Chamber Of Commerce” Weather…A frontal boundary will slip through the region this evening before stalling just south of Indianapolis.  An area of low pressure will move along the front Friday while chilly Canadian high pressure to our north tries to suppress things.  The battle ground will lie across central portions of the Ohio Valley.  Pack the rain gear and the cool weather attire.

Today, anticipate showers and rather gloomy conditions.  We’re not anticipating any sort of heavy rainfall across the region, but instead mostly light rain with embedded pockets of moderate rainfall.  Another push of rain will move into town Friday.  Heaviest rainfall should primarily fall along the I-70 corridor and points south Friday.  Total rainfall from today and Friday should range from 0.25″ to 0.50″ with some heavier totals possible downstate.

Not A Bad Weekend…We’ll likely get some dry time in this weekend as the region remains in between weather systems over the Saturday-Sunday period.  After a mainly dry Saturday, rain chances return Sunday.

Bigger Storm Early Next Week…A rather robust storm system will impact the region Monday night into Tuesday with heavy rain potential and the threat of strong to severe thunderstorms.  We’ll keep a close eye on things as we move through the weekend and update the forecast accordingly.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 2.00″ – 3.00″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 0.00″ 

John Salewicz took this stellar photo of the lunar eclipse Wednesday morning.  Thanks, John!



Our forecast radar products show another slug of moisture aimed at a Friday AM arrival.

Our forecast radar products show another slug of moisture aimed at a Friday AM arrival.

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Nice Today; Wet, Chilly Thursday On Deck…















44/ 66

47/ 55

51/ 55

42/ 58

48/ 62

61/ 70

49/ 64 

Much Needed Sunshine…After several days of wet, gloomy weather, sunshine will be a welcome sight to see!  Today is easily the pick of the week with dry skies and mild temperatures.  Enjoy!

Wet; Chilly End To The Work Week…A cold front will sink south into the area Thursday and rain will move into the state as early as the predawn hours Thursday morning.  Temperatures will actually fall Thursday afternoon and evening.  While there’s some “model mayhem” in regards to what takes place Friday, we’re currently leaning more towards the GFS/ NAM wet solution with a secondary wave of low pressure moving along the frontal boundary. Stay tuned.

Not A Bad Weekend…We’ll have to dodge a couple rain drops over the weekend (particularly Sunday), but it won’t be a wash-out by any means.  A chilly Saturday will slowly moderate Sunday.

Heavy Rain Event…Forecast models continue to key in on a heavy rain event impacting these parts Monday night into Tuesday of next week.  More details to come, but plan on the possibility of excessive rains across a large chunk of the Mid West and Ohio Valley at this early juncture.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 2.50″ – 3.00″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 0.00″

Hopefully you were up early enough this morning to enjoy the lunar eclipse!  The first image is from the Brownsburg area and taken from Ronna Jessen.  Thank you, Ronna!  I also added an image taken off our back deck at 6:30 this morning.













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Unsettled And Cool…















47/ 60

46/ 63

44/ 66

 46/ 59

49/ 59

40/ 60

41/ 60 

Cool And Gray Open To The Work Week…A couple disturbances will cross through the region between today and Tuesday. This will help lead to considerable cloudiness and off and on showers through the next 24-36 hours.  We’re not talking about heavy rainfall, but pesky showers, mostly cloudy skies, and unseasonably cool conditions will be in place.

Mid Week Sunshine Ahead Of The Next Front…High pressure will briefly build into the region Wednesday helping supply a brighter and slightly milder regime.  Enjoy whatever sunshine we do see Wednesday as clouds and rain will quickly return as we wrap up the work week (some indications are we could be looking at heavier rain late week, so stay tuned).

Another Cool Weekend…Another cool air mass will build into central Indiana for the weekend. While timing issues abound, we currently forecast dry skies Saturday with showers around Sunday.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 1.00″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 0.00″

Jason Burton sent in this amazing sunrise shot taken in Union City.  Thanks for another great photo, Jason!


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Periods Of Storms; BIG Push Of Chilly Air On The Way…















61/ 83

46/ 70

43/ 49

40/ 57

44/ 64

49/ 64

48/ 70 

Changes…BIG weather changes begin today as a warm front lifts through the region.  This will lead to a warm and windy afternoon with showers and a possible rumble of thunder arriving as early as the morning rush.  Periods of showers and thunderstorms will continue this afternoon and evening, but we also want to note there will be plenty of dry time in between rain drops.  A bigger push of showers and thunderstorms will blow into town tonight into the wee morning hours Friday.  A couple of these storms may reach severe levels, especially for western communities.  Damaging straight line winds are the biggest concern.

Showers and thunderstorms continue Friday, but the bigger weather story will become our temperatures as a MUCH colder air mass rushes into the area Friday evening on a gusty northwest wind.  Falling temperatures can be expected through the afternoon Friday so you’ll want to be sure to pack the jacket and cold weather gear tomorrow.

Chilly Weekend…Well below normal temperatures can be expected this weekend along with unsettled conditions.  Saturday continues to look like a mostly cloudy and blustery day with periods of drizzle and/ or sprinkles.  Sunday will feature more in the way of sunshine, but caution we may also deal with widely scattered light showers.

Timing Issues…We’ll fine tune early next week once our first storm system moves through the region. As of now, we target Tuesday as the best day of showers, but timing issues abound.  More on this later.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 1″ – 1.50″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 0.00″

John Salewicz sent in this great sunset photo on the Carmel/ Zionsville line Wednesday evening. Thanks, John!


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