Category: Weather Rambles

Quick Friday Evening Notes…

1.)  While we’re still expecting freezing rain across central Indiana tonight into the early morning hours Saturday, dry air will really limit totals.  Instead of the 0.10″-0.20″ of glaze per…

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Winter Having A Tough Time Finding Staying Power…

Through (5) weeks of meteorological winter, it’s been a frustrating time for snow and cold weather enthusiasts across the beautiful state of Indiana.  We’ve seen a few storms cut into the central Lakes, taking their respected snow swaths northwest of central Indiana.  Despite an “overachieving” arctic wave on the 13th and an icy glaze event the following Friday night, it’s been a rather uneventful winter so far.  In ironic fashion, a significant winter event is poised to impact portions of the Lower 48 this weekend, but the general consensus in modeling is for this event not to cut northwest, but, instead, remain suppressed and impact portions of the TN Valley and Southern Appalachians with heavy snow.  Now, sure, there’s still time for this to “correct” north, but as of this writing, there’s just as much argument in the suppressed idea.

Admittedly, we, personally, believed we would be much farther along in the snowfall department than we are through the first 1/3 of meteorological winter.  Looking ahead, there really isn’t much to “like” about the longer term data as far as getting snow prospects. Sure, an arctic shot is still inbound come mid week with very cold air.  We note AK ridging and blocking “trying” to develop over Greenland.

gfs-ens_z500amean_namer_1This will take us through mid week and into the weekend with lows in the single digits and lower teens and highs generally in the lower and middle 20s.  We still need to watch Thursday evening-night for a wave of low pressure that may attempt to deliver light snow, but this doesn’t look like a significant event from this distance.

Additionally, we’ll keep a close eye on the weekend for the prospects of snow, but confidence remains very low in regards to this system.  The GFS ensemble members show the wide range of possibilities Saturday.  Taken verbatim, the respected (or not ;-)) solutions, range from “no snow for you” scenarios to a big hit.

gefs_ptype_ens_ky_22To further complicate matters, the European and Canadian solutions are much less robust and result in a more suppressed scenario.  Forecasters (including yours truly) can only wish for the days to return of worrying about respected snow/ mix/ rain lines amongst the various data, versus the present time of models showing a storm only to take it away from run-to-run and other modeling not even showing the storm.

But once to mid-month, the overall pattern is forecast to break down yet again and results in a much warmer look for the east.

gfs-ens_z500amean_namer_12That brings us to our next point and that’s the modeling performance, itself.  For really the better part of a year now, modeling has been poor, at best- even in the short-term solutions.  More recently speaking to the last few months, I can’t recall model data ever performing worse (13 years of forecasting experience).  It leads to a very low confidence forecast in basically anything beyond (7) days right now.  Additionally, conflicting signals are present (as posted this morning, the AO, EPO, WPO favor cold versus the MJO strongly favoring warmth in the longer range).  The signals are competing with themselves to try and take over the overall weather pattern for mid and late winter, but I’m not sure we’re really ever going to get to a point where we “lock-in” to any one particular warm or cold pattern for any sustained length of time this winter.  As far as snow goes, there’s no way in early January you’ll ever see us greatly alter the long-standing ideas posted originally in the winter outlook.  When a given city averages 26″ of snow on the winter, it only takes one storm to come along and put you in a “good spot” (relative to average).  That said, we hear your frustrations (and know they will only grow louder this weekend if our friends down south cash in on the snowy goods).  Once to late January, we’ll revisit this idea.

The one thing we try to do here is eliminate the “noise” in the short, mid, and long range data by analyzing it all and building a forecast using a blend of the said data, along with teleconnections, etc.  You’ll never see us update our forecast based on a model run every time in comes in.  We don’t buy into the idea of “knee jerk” forecasting.  Let’s sit back and watch the next few days unfold.  Unfortunately, in this weather pattern, we just don’t see confidence increasing in forecasts much past the 3-7 day window at this juncture.

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Quick Word On The Weekend Storm…

It’s been a ridiculously busy day and a longer post will arrive late tonight, including the updated 7-day. Models continue to struggle on the evolution of things this weekend. The…

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Monday Morning Rambles…

1.) Rain builds back in late tonight and Tuesday morning and will favor the southern and eastern half of the state.  Drier trends develop Tuesday afternoon as the moisture pulls northeast.

Forecast radar 11a Tuesday

Forecast radar 11a Tuesday

2.)  A surge of arctic air will pour into the region as we wrap up the work week, including single digit wind chills.  Lows in the 10s and highs in the 20s can be expected Thursday and Friday.

Forecast temperature anomalies to close the work week.

Forecast temperature anomalies to close the work week.

3.)  Despite the cold, snow chances look unimpressive, per the latest data.  While we, personally, still believe there will be more of an arctic wave to deal with along the arctic boundary pressing Wednesday night into Thursday (enough to accumulate), modeling says “we’re crazy” and brings the arctic plunge in without much fanfare (flurries).

4.)  Speaking of snow, modeling also says the 3rd wintry threat we spoke of Sunday (for about a week from now) arrives with a warm-up and is more of a liquid event.  While we tend to think this is still a threat that could deal our region wintry conditions, it would be irresponsible of us not to convey the lower confidence (heck, modeling suggests we’re close to 60 degrees next Monday).

5.)  Our thoughts on a snowy December began last summer as research began on the upcoming winter.  It’s based off a variety of solutions, but leans heavily on the idea blocking would develop and help “lock in” an active pattern with just enough cold air to create the wintry “goods.”  (Pressing cold and an active jet undercutting the cold to create winter storm potential).  While bullish on snow (still are), we’ve never had out a very cold December forecast (instead only “slightly,” or 1 degree, below average).  If the recent weekend trend is correct, it says the upcoming (10) day period we thought would essentially deliver a month’s worth of snow is incorrect.  Sure that gives us the second half of the month to still make up for it, but it becomes increasingly difficult to see the wild model swings and inconsistency without relaying those inconsistencies to you, the viewer.

Our overall thinking remains (as stubborn as it may seem) on December, but please know we also see how this could bust.  There’s a fine line between communicating both ideas to you.  Confidence is lower than we would like it to be…

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Election Night Video Update…

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Wednesday Evening Rambles…

A rainy and (at times) stormy night is ahead for central Indiana as a cold front approaches.

While scattered thunderstorms are impacting portions of central IN as we type this (6p and looking at you Whitestown), more widespread showers and embedded thunderstorms will blow into town late tonight. Here’s an idea of what the radar may look like around 10p.

For most neighborhoods, expect 0.25″-0.50″ of needed rain tonight into the wee morning hours Thursday. There will be localized heavier totals through central Indiana.

Temperatures will be cooler Thursday, but will remain above normal- generally topping out in the middle and upper 60s in the afternoon before falling Thursday evening. Cooler air will be with us to close the work week (upper 50s to around 60° for most for highs Friday).

Our next storm system has it’s eyes on the area Tuesday evening into Wednesday, but looks less significant when compared to 24-48 hours ago. We’ll continue to keep an eye on things.

GFS ensemble members aren’t terribly “excited” about our next storm potential next week.

There continues to be a great deal of interest around colder times and a pattern change around mid-month. We want to reiterate a couple things:

1.) Wholesale significant pattern changes can (and normally do) wreck havoc on medium and long range data. To our fellow weather friends out there who love to look at run-to-run operational data, expect wild swings as the pattern transition gets underway mid month.

2.) While we’re fully in the camp of a major reversal to cold, we caution the initial pattern transition will likely feature a “step-down” process before shifting to more of a true winter-like pattern (likely complete with plenty of storminess; hello snow lovers) from the Thanksgiving to Christmas period.

Finally, our complete 2016-2017 Winter Outlook can be found here.

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Remarkable Summer Feel Through Mid Week; Late Week Changes…

Before we talk about the warmth, we have some showers and embedded thunder to deal with across parts of the region today.  Best rain chances today will be along and north of I-70, but a few showers could scoot south later this afternoon.  We note most concentrated rain should fall through the early afternoon hours before moving out to allow for a dry evening.

Forecast radar 1p, courtesy of

Forecast radar 12p, courtesy of

Forecast radar 2p, courtesy of

Forecast radar 2p, courtesy of

We get back to a dry pattern Monday and Tuesday.  Along with the dry conditions, unseasonably warm temperatures can be expected.  Along with the summer-like feel, very strong southwest winds will be noted (gusts to 30-40 MPH).

A strong SW flow will promote 30-40 MPH gusts early week. Courtesy of

A strong SW flow will promote 30-40 MPH gusts early week. Courtesy of

The warmest temperature anomalies will be located over the Ohio Valley this week. Courtesy of

The warmest temperature anomalies will be located over the Ohio Valley this week. Courtesy of

Highs Monday and Tuesday will top out in the lower to middle 80s and rival records across central IN.  While that’s impressive enough, overnight lows of 65-70 are almost unheard of.

Overnight lows Tuesday morning will be close to 70 degrees. Courtesy of

Overnight lows Tuesday morning will be close to 70 degrees. Courtesy of

Cooler air will begin to move in by late week as a trough replaces the warm ridge.  While we’re very confident on the much cooler feel, details in regards to the specifics around rain timing and amounts remain “muddy” at best.  We’ll forecast best rain chances to arrive Thursday, but caution this may have to be fine tuned as we move forward.  Highs that were in the 80s for early week will crash late week (upper 50s to lower 60s).

European ensemble shows the cool and unsettled late week pattern. Courtesy of

European ensemble shows the cool and unsettled late week pattern. Courtesy of

As of now, next weekend looks dry and cool, but it was only yesterday that rain chances looked like they may continue into the early portions of the weekend. Stay tuned.  As previously mentioned, temperatures will be much cooler (upper 30s to lower 40s for lows and lower to middle 60s for highs).

Complete 7-day will be posted later!

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Mid Week Showers Followed By A Pop Of Cool Air…

Mid and high level clouds are streaming overhead this evening and will help set up a brilliant sunset across central IN.

screen-shot-2016-10-10-at-6-57-58-pmTuesday will remain rain-free across the region, along with pleasant temperatures and humidity levels (mid 70s after a low in the lower 50s).

Moisture will continue to be transported northward Wednesday, courtesy of a gusty SW breeze at times.  As the approaching cold front interacts with the moisture return, scattered showers will “blossom” across the area Wednesday night into the wee morning hours Thursday.

wednightshowersRainfall amounts don’t look particularly impressive; generally 0.10″-0.25″ during the Wednesday night-Thursday morning time frame.

17The cool air flowing in behind the front is impressive though.  In fact, highs both Thursday and Friday will likely only reach the lower 60s (if that).

12Despite the chilly air that will be with us to wrap up the work week, ensemble data is in excellent agreement on a significant warmer than average regime developing under a big eastern ridge in the 6-10 day.  This will likely promote highs into the lower 80s next week for a few days.  Impressive, no doubt, considering we’ll be rumbling through the second half of October by that point.



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Wednesday Morning Weather Notebook…

1.)  Humidity is on the rise this morning and scattered showers and thunderstorms will follow late morning into the early afternoon.

CODNEXLAB-1km-C_Illinois-rad-ani24-201608241115-100-100-022.)  HRRR futurecast radar delivers thunderstorms into central IN around the lunchtime hour.

13.) Scattered thunderstorms remain Thursday (some strong to severe), but drier air will briefly push in across the northern half of the region Friday.  We think from Indianapolis and points north, it’ll be a very pleasant end to the work week.  That said, “briefly” is the key word.  Moisture will surge north again Saturday and Sunday and isolated to scattered storms will follow suit.

DryMoist4.)  Attention next week will shift to the tropics.  There are many more questions than answers at this point, but understand the potential is there for significant tropical troubles next week.  Intensity and track are far from etched in stone, but if your travels take you to the Gulf Coast, we suggest you remain abreast of the latest developments- particularly the southeastern FL coast and the north-central Gulf Coast.

Here on the home front, it’s not entirely out of the equation our region deals with tropical remnants in the Week 2 time period.

Patience is required as we sort through the data in the coming days…


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Thursday Evening Rambles…

1.) A big ole ridge will supply oppressive heat and humidity across the Mid West this weekend.  Unseasonably hot temperatures will combine with downright “soupy” air to create heat indices between 105-110 degrees across central IN this weekend.  Take it easy and implement frequent breaks if your plans take you outdoors.


2.) Similar to what we’re seeing on radar this evening, thunderstorms will also make an appearance from time to time for some.  With an atmosphere loaded with moisture, any storm that develops will be plenty capable of producing “frog straggler” type rainfall rates.  Perhaps there will be a couple periods of more concentrated storm activity, focused on late tomorrow night and early Saturday, and again late Saturday night-Sunday morning.  We’ll keep an eye on things.


3.)  The pattern is one (as has been the case all summer) that’s transient and the situation that develops to wrap up July and open August is an all-too-familiar look around these parts: NW flow aloft that offers storm potential, along with seasonal to slightly warmer than average.  It’s a wet look, overall.


10-Day GFS rainfall numbers are impressive across the Mid West. Soaking rains for many. Courtesy

10-Day GFS rainfall numbers are impressive across the Mid West. Soaking rains for many. Courtesy

This is what the upper air pattern should look like as we close July- 10 days from now (hard to believe)!


4.)  Looking further ahead, the latest JMA Weeklies continue to suggest the most sustained hot pattern should remain across the west as we rumble deeper into August.  That’s not to say we won’t deal with periods of hot weather here at times, but sustained heat will be hard to come by with such a pattern…

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Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 7.48.39 AM

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