Category: Severe Weather

Tracking Two Cold Fronts; Dangerous Cold Arrives Tuesday Evening…

We’re tracking two cold fronts as we open the new work week. The first will pass without a whole lot of fanfare this evening. However, the second boundary (the true arctic front) means business Tuesday afternoon/ evening.

We notice a band of mixed precipitation moving into central IN before sunrise. This will swing through the state, changing to rain as it does so, through the morning and into the early afternoon. The reason? Just enough mild air working in on southwesterly breezes ahead of the frontal boundary.

The front will pass through the city around or just after rush hour. Gusty winds and falling temperatures are ahead this evening.

By morning, most of central Indiana will awake to temperatures in the single digits.

The second front (true arctic boundary) will be barreling towards the state at this time and will pass Tuesday evening. It’ll hit like a “wall” with gusty winds, brief, but intense snow squalls, and plummeting temperatures.

Central Indiana will be greeted with temperatures nearing 10° below zero and wind chill values of 30° to 40° below zero Wednesday morning.

Please take this cold seriously and complete preparations today. Thankfully, milder times are ahead as we head into the weekend…

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Period Of Severe Cold Arrives Early-Mid Week…


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Active Pattern; Severe Cold Looms Next Week…

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Multiple Snow Makers; Pattern Threatens Severe Cold Next Week…

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6-10 Day Outlook: Significant Winter Event Looms…

The 6-10 day period will likely be dominated by an air mass of arctic origin, and the potential is present for the period to begin with a rather significant winter event.  Models have occasionally “teased” the idea of dropping the PV (Polar Vortex) over the Great Lakes during this period, and that’s not something that’s off the table given the pattern here.  Suffice it to say, we expect this period to run much colder than average.

While there will be some specifics we’ll have to sort through as time gets closer, this is remarkable model agreement when looking at the GFS and European ensemble sets in the medium term.

We’ve been discussing the opportunity where we see the flow slow enough to allow one or two of these clipper systems in the medium to longer range to deepen into a stronger storm system.  That may be the case late weekend into early parts of next week and it’s something we’re keeping a close eye on.  In addition to measurable snow, the potential is on the table for notable cold in the 6-10 day period, including multiple days below zero.  In the extreme, this is the type pattern that could lead to double digit below zero  cold across central Indiana- not including the wind chill.

Stay tuned.

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Blizzard-Like Conditions Develop This Afternoon Into Tonight…

While warm air advection (WAA) created an added challenge this morning (freezing rain north of the city, itself, and rain south of I-70), colder air is working south late this morning and will result in a changeover from freezing rain/ rain to snow over the next couple hours from north to south.

We expect the transition to snow to take place in and around Indianapolis between 1p and 2p.

As upper level energy tracks northeast this evening, strong frontogenesis will help a “deformation band” expand in coverage and intensify across the state.  This will lead to elevated snowfall intensity as the afternoon gives way to evening.  In fact, snowfall rates will likely approach 1″/ hour across central and eastern portions of the state at times during the mid-to-late afternoon and into the evening hours.

8p forecast radar.

As this is taking shape, winds will also begin to crank this afternoon and evening.  Gusts in excess of 50 MPH are expected across central and eastern regions- including Indianapolis.

Obviously this will create concerns for power outages, but the other major worry is for developing blizzard-like conditions and whiteouts through the late afternoon into tonight.

As for snowfall totals, the consensus of latest 12z data continues to support our updated snowfall forecast from this morning.

We’ll have additional updates later this afternoon here on and on our social media accounts.

To close, we highly encourage not traveling this afternoon.  Conditions are expected to rapidly deteriorate as we move through the next several hours. For many across central and east-central Indiana, roads will likely become impassable by evening with the combination of severe wind gusts and increasing snowfall rates.  Major problems from blowing and drifting snow are expected.

More here in a bit!  Stay safe!

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Wet Close To 2018…

IND has already recorded over half an inch in the rain gauge this morning and there’s more where that came from between now and tonight. Steady rain will be replaced with scattered downpours late morning to around the lunchtime hour before widespread rain and embedded thunder returns early to mid afternoon.  Most can expect to tack on an additional half inch to inch of rain today and the latest HRRR sees this as well.

We’re also still monitoring the potential of strong to severe thunderstorms across southern portions of the state.  The Storm Prediction Center now includes far southern Indiana in a Slight Risk for severe weather today.  The primary concerns remain strong, damaging winds with a line of thunderstorms that may develop between 2p and 4p.  If your travels take you south towards Louisville today remain weather-aware.

Temperatures will run 25° to 30° colder New Year’s Day and a couple of scattered snow showers may fly- especially across the favored snowbelt areas to our north.

Have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve, friends!

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Heavy Rain (And Thunder Downstate) Arrives For New Year’s Eve…

We’re enjoying pleasant conditions this afternoon with filtered sunshine and temperatures that should top out in the upper 30s to lower 40s later on.  Enjoy it, as a big rain event gets underway for New Year’s Eve.

This afternoon’s visible satellite shows sunshine dominating across the northern half of #INwx.

Clouds will increase tonight and rain won’t be too far behind.  We think wet weather builds into central Indiana before sunrise Monday (likely between 4a to 6a) and periods of heavy rain are still expected late morning into the afternoon and evening hours.

Rain will arrive into the city itself between 4a and 5a Monday. 

We continue to monitor the prospects of a skinny line of strong thunderstorms that may impact southern Indiana Monday afternoon and evening.  If your travels take you south to Louisville for NYE plans, this is something to monitor.  Widespread severe weather isn’t expected, but strong winds are possible if this line materializes.

Timing out prospects for a skinny line of storms to impact southern #INwx Monday afternoon. Best idea as of now will come between 2p and 4p.

This storm system will have a true tropical connection.  Precipitable water values will be quite “juicy” for late December and plenty capable of producing locally heavy totals.  Widespread 1″ to 1.5″ can be expected, but a few area rain gauges will likely see higher amounts.

Colder air will whip in here late tomorrow night and help lingering moisture fall as scattered snow showers New Year’s Day.  More later on the potential of wintry “mischief” later in the week…

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Chill Returns Along With Opportunities For Snow…

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From Storms To Snow; Active Week Ahead…

Our week-ahead outlook is focused on everything from storms to a return of unseasonably cold conditions and snow.  As a strong storm system lifts north into the Great Lakes Sunday, it’ll swing a cold front through the Ohio Valley Sunday night.  This will sweep the briefly milder air out of here and allow much colder air to settle back into the region through the balance of the week ahead.  With the colder air in place, snow chances will return, as well.  First up is a clipper system late week followed by the potential of something “more important” next weekend…

I. Steady rains will come to an end this morning and we’ll replace the soaking rain will widely scattered showers and embedded thunder later this afternoon and evening.  Several dry hours can be expected for the majority of central Indiana beforehand.  While the greatest threat of strong to severe storms will remain to our west in IL, we’ll keep an eye out for the potential of a gusty storm or two- especially west of the I-65 corridor later this evening.

II. Highs today will come tonight (mid-to-upper 50s) ahead of the cold front.  Once the front moves through, colder air will return for the second half of the weekend.  As wrap-around moisture combines with the colder air, light snow showers will develop late Sunday night into Monday morning (shown below).  This won’t be a huge deal.

III. The next item of interest will come from a clipper system Thursday.  This won’t only serve up another round of light snow, but also help to reinforce the unseasonably cold air.  Highs will return to around freezing to close the week with lows in the 20s.

IV. That leads us to what comes next weekend.  While it’s still far too early for any sort of specifics, we’ll simply say to keep a mental note in the back of your mind for the potential of a more disruptive winter event coming out from the southern Plains into the Ohio Valley.  We’ll certainly have to fine tune things and “hone in” as we progress through the upcoming week.  From this distance, prospects range from nothing more than a light snow to a “plowable” storm.  Unlike this weekend’s storm, there will be a limit to how far north next weekend’s storm will be able to track…

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