Category: Forecast Models

More Winter Chatter…

Now that we’re in September (where does time go?!) we wanted to touch base on some of our latest thinking as we rumble closer to winter… * Our official 2015-2016…

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Labor Day Weather Notebook…

September Scorcher: September has gotten off on a downright hot note.     While we have a couple more days of highs that will push 90°, changes are brewing that will…

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Cooler Times Ahead By Mid Month?

Summer sure doesn’t appear to be letting go anytime soon as our recent 7-day outlook suggests, but there are indications that our unseasonably hot and humid regime may take a back seat to the refreshing taste of fall in about 10 days.  The big “tip of the cap” towards the cooler pattern?  The PNA, or Pacific North American pattern, shifting from negative to positive.  As shown below, both the European (top) and GFS (bottom) highlight the PNA shift to positive.

Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 7.58.03 AMA positive PNA favors eastern troughiness and an associated cooler than normal regime over our neck of the woods.

PositivePNASure enough, models are trending towards a much cooler direction for week 2.

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Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 7.54.14 AMIt’ll be fun to watch things unfold.  For now, if you’re a fan of summer weather, be sure to enjoy the next week, or so, as things appear to be changing for the much cooler side of things around the 10th (give or take a day or two).

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Tuesday Weather Notebook…

  Tuesday Storms: A small, but vigorous upper level disturbance is overhead this morning and will serve as a focal point for thunderstorm development. The disturbance shows up very nicely…

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Monday Weather Notebook…

Cool August:    Despite the warm close to August, the month, as a whole, has been cooler than average across the Plains, Ohio Valley, and Tennessee Valley. Heat Expands:   …

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