Wednesday Morning Rambles…

1.) A narrow, but persistent band of downpours continues to fall just south of the metro this morning.  Places from Martinsville to Trafalgar and Shelbyville are enjoying needed rain this morning.

2.) Overall, a drier air mass will build into central Indiana today and Thursday (cooler, too) before moisture returns to close the week.  Scattered showers and embedded thunder are more likely Friday and again late Sunday into Monday.

3.)  Looking ahead, we notice a more active pattern is presented off the overnight GEFS model.  The heat ridge backs west and sets up a busy “ring of fire” pattern with a northwest flow aloft across our region.  We have a ways to go before developing consistency and overall confidence, but this is at least an encouraging sign.  The end result, should this come to fruition, would be a significantly wetter open to June.

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