Category: Severe Weather

Strong Storm Potential Friday Before A Pleasant Saturday…


  • Strong-to-severe storms Friday
  • Pleasant Saturday
  • Humidity and storms return

Active Friday For Some…Before we can discuss the pleasant and absolutely gorgeous weather conditions that will welcome in the weekend, we have to deal with a potentially “bumpy” few hours Friday afternoon into the early evening across portions of the state.

Central Indiana is under the gun for severe weather Friday.

The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) outlines central and southern portions of the state for the threat of severe weather Friday.  Damaging straight line winds are the greatest concern with a line of storms that develop Friday afternoon and push southeast.  Drier weather will quickly build in behind a cold front Friday evening and help usher in a very pleasant open to the weekend.  We’ll certainly notice the lower dew points Saturday and cooler feel with plentiful sunshine.  Enjoy it!

Unfortunately the pleasant and dry conditions won’t last very long, and shower chances return as quickly as Sunday afternoon.  Humidity and a true tropical feel will also engulf the region next week.  This, combined with upper air disturbances moving through the Mid West and Ohio Valley, will aid in daily “splash and dash” thunderstorm coverage.  With a moisture-rich air mass in place, stronger storms will produce torrential downpours.  Overall, the active and unsettled summer that central Indiana has grown accustomed to shows no signs of let-up in the week ahead…

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • Snowfall:  0.00″
  • Rainfall:  2.00″-3.00″ (locally higher totals)

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Another Week Is Upon Us; Looking Ahead…

I.  The new work week will open up with a continuation of unseasonably cool temperatures.  Speaking of temperatures, how nice has it been to have air equivalent of late-September as we get set to wrap up the month of June?!

II:  A weak upper level disturbance will drift overhead Monday afternoon and help spark scattered showers and thunderstorms into the evening hours.  Not everyone will get wet Monday evening, but a couple gusty storms are possible.  Here’s a look at the radar valid at 6p Monday.

III.  After a dry Tuesday and Wednesday, better shower and thunderstorm chances will return to our forecast for late week into next weekend.  Additionally, temperatures and humidity levels will return to closer to seasonal norms.

IV.  An active pattern will remain with us as we progress through the first half of June.  A busy NW flow aloft will likely send multiple storm clusters southeast into the region and we’ll have to be mindful for the potential of some of these storm complexes containing strong-to-severe storms and excessive rainfall.

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Another Stormy Day Ahead…

The Storm Prediction Center includes the northwestern portions of the state in a Slight Risk of severe weather later this afternoon and evening.  Given the overall set-up and morning trends from data, it wouldn’t surprise us if this threat expands further southeast in future updates later today from the SPC.

Similar to Tuesday, any storms that develop will be capable of locally heavy rain and flash flooding.  While storms should move in a quicker fashion today, precipitable water values (PWATs) remain downright tropical and will exceed 2″ later this afternoon.

Overall storm coverage should become more widespread as we push into the afternoon and evening hours.  Here’s what the radar may look like during the 4p, 6p, and 10p time frames:

From a severe perspective, the biggest concern is damaging straight line winds with stronger storms.  Remain weather-aware later today, friends!

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VIDEO: Hot, Humid Weather Gives Way To Better Storm Chances…

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VIDEO: Not Bad For Race Day, But Storms May Threaten This Afternoon In Spots…

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Latest Thoughts On Memorial Day And Race Weekend…

As the race weekend and Memorial Day draw ever-closer, data is able to pick up on some of the specifics associated with our weather for the all-important long weekend.

After scrolling through the data this evening, it appears as if we need to bracket late Friday night-Saturday morning and again late Saturday into Sunday morning for the potential of two rounds of gusty storms.  Some of these storms could reach strong to severe levels, and the Storm Prediction Center continues to outline central Indiana for a Slight Risk Saturday (large hail and damaging straight line winds are of greatest concern, locally).

Despite having to dodge a couple rounds of gusty storms this weekend, we want to stress that the majority of the holiday weekend should feature rain-free hours, and certainly isn’t worth cancelling any outdoor plans.  In fact, after a beautiful Carb Day, most of the daytime hours both Saturday and Sunday should be rain and storm free.  Have a means of getting the latest weather information, but plan to enjoy long stretches of rain-free hours this weekend.

Much more later!

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Pleasant Weather Later Today; Unsettled Conditions Return…


  • Rain ends and sunshine arrives later today
  • Pleasant Carb Day
  • Stormy at times this weekend

Trend Is Our Friend Today…Showers are “pinwheeling” around an area of low pressure to our east this morning, but these will begin to diminish as we move through the late morning and into the early afternoon.  In fact, we think sunshine works in here later this afternoon and provides a pleasant finish to the day!

The majority of Friday will feature sunshine and pleasantly warm conditions by afternoon.  We’ll keep a close eye on the radar Friday evening/ night, but currently believe thunderstorms will remain just north of here.

Unfortunately, the long race and Memorial Day weekend won’t be rain-free, but it also won’t be a wash-out.  Most widespread thunderstorm activity should arrive Saturday evening into Sunday morning and some of these could become strong to severe.  The current Day 3 (Saturday) Outlook from the Storm Prediction Center places central and southern portions of the state under a Slight Risk.

While we can’t completely rule out an afternoon shower or storm Sunday, the most widespread activity should occur during the morning hours- before race time. Stay tuned.  We’ll turn cooler early next week…

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • Snowfall: 0.00″
  • Rainfall: 1.25″ – 1.75″

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Periods Of Storms Through The Weekend…

The Storm Prediction Center includes portions of the state, including Indianapolis, under a Slight Risk of severe weather today and Saturday.

The culprit is a stalled frontal boundary that lies across the center of the state.  This front will “bobble” around from time to time over the next 24 hours before lifting back north as a warm front Saturday evening.  Accordingly, expect a significant temperature spread from north to south today and periods of showers and thunderstorms scattered about central Indiana.  With high precipitable water values, localized heavy rains are expected, but, as mentioned, this won’t be a “uniform” event and there will be “haves and have nots.”  Some neighborhoods can expect to pick up a 2-3 inches of rain between now and Sunday afternoon.  Greatest severe threats include large hail and damaging straight line winds with storms, but we’ll also have to monitor things for the potential of a couple rotating storms as well.

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More Heavy Rain And Storms Ahead; Cooler Week On Deck…


  • Widespread rain and strong storms today
  • Falling temperatures, windy, and wet Monday
  • Midweek storm brewing

Flooding Concerns Remain High…Another slug of moisture will lift north through central Indiana this afternoon into the nighttime hours.  Locally heavy rain will result in big flooding concerns as saturated soils are in place and many creeks and streams are already out of their banks.  Throw in an additional 1″-2″ with locally heavier totals and you have the makings of a dangerous flood situation into early week.  If that wasn’t enough to be concerned about, we’ll also have to watch how things evolve closely this afternoon for the potential of severe thunderstorms.  Damaging straight line winds are of greatest concern.

We’ll transition to a much cooler regime to open the new work week with gusty winds and showers continuing.  Temperatures will fall through the 50s during the day.  Jackets will be required!

Tuesday will provide a brief break from the wet weather and we should also introduce some sunshine for a while.  Unfortunately, we won’t have much time to dry out as a wet, windy, and chilly storm is brewing Wednesday evening into Thursday.  Widespread rain (some heavy) will combine with a raw easterly wind and temperatures in the 50s to lead to a rather miserable Thursday.

While shower chances remain early Friday, the theme heading into next weekend is a drier one and we should finally enjoy very pleasant weather by Saturday.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • Snowfall: 0.00″
  • Rainfall: 1.50″ – 3.00″

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Gearing Up For The “2nd Half…”

Central Indiana has enjoyed a well deserved break in the rain and thunderstorms this afternoon, but, unfortunately, stormy times will return tonight.  With an increasingly moist air mass in place (warm front is currently draped across central IN and slowly lifting north), renewed heavy rain is expected tonight into Sunday.  Dew points will approach 70° and precipitable water values (PWATs) will periodically reach 2″ between this evening and Sunday night.  With that kind of moisture content in the atmosphere, locally heavy, flash flood-producing, rains are a “lock.”  Should you live near a creek, stream, or river, please keep abreast of water levels into early next week and have a plan in place to move to higher ground.

The Storm Prediction Center paints a “Slight Risk” of severe weather across central and southern Indiana tonight.

We think an eastward-advancing line of thunderstorms will blow into central Indiana later this evening (between 9p and midnight).  Some of these may reach strong to severe levels with damaging straight line winds of greatest concern.  Additionally, torrential downpours will occur within this line of storms.

Overall coverage of rain and thunderstorms should diminish Sunday morning before ramping up and increasing in overall coverage and intensity (yet again) Sunday evening and night.  In fact, we may be looking at another severe weather episode Sunday night- again with straight line damaging winds of greatest concern.  By the time all is said and done we expect an additional 1″-2″ of rain across central Indiana with locally heavier 3″+ amounts where storms train over the same area.  Obviously, with saturated soils in place across central Indiana, this amount of rain will create flood concerns into Monday morning.  By the time we get to Monday, the big weather story will be strong and gusty NW winds, much cooler air (falling temperatures through the 50s) and nuisance-level showers.

Another heavy rain maker looms Thursday and we’ll cover that in our updated 7-day later tonight or Sunday.

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