Category: Severe Weather

VIDEO: “Rinse And Repeat” Through The Short-Term; Updated Long Range Thoughts…

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Bumpy Ride Possible This Afternoon And Evening…

While the weather is currently quiet across central Indiana, that will likely change in a significant way as we progress into the afternoon and evening hours.

As we look at the current radar, note the widespread showers and thunderstorms off to our southwest. More importantly, the latest couple of frames indicate a strengthening line of storms beginning to “bow” out along the eastern flank (along the MO/ IL state line).

The environment in place upstream into southern and central Indiana remains one that would tend to favor these storms strengthening further in the coming hours.

We note the Storm Prediction Center has nudge the Slight Risk further north to encompass more of southern and central Indiana with their latest update and we would agree with this.

We think storm coverage (and intensity) will really begin to ramp up after 3p and the latest HRRR shows this nicely:

Greatest concern with any severe storms that develop has to do with strong and potentially damaging straight line winds. It’ll be important to remain weather-aware this afternoon into the evening hours.

*More later this evening, including our finalized July Outlook.

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Weekly #AGwx And Severe Weather Outlook…

Forecast period: 06.24.19 through 06.30.19

7-Day Precipitation: Rainfall is expected to run near to slightly above average through the period.

7-Day Temperature Outlook: Temperatures are expected to run above average through the period.

Severe Outlook: While a couple of strong storms are possible during the period, widespread organized severe weather isn’t anticipated during the above forecast period.

Summary: The forecast period will feature an overall drier and warmer theme than what we’ve been used to of late. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will linger to open the work week before high pressure builds overhead and results in an overall dry forecast Tuesday. Upper level energy will allow scattered storms to return Wednesday before we dry things out again Thursday and Friday. As we look ahead to next weekend, a “backdoor” cold front will likely result in an uptick in rain chances Saturday followed by a cooler push of air by the 2nd half of next weekend.

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VIDEO: Timing Out Storm Impacts This Weekend; More July Chatter…

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VIDEO: Turning Drier And Cooler This Afternoon; Storms Return This Weekend And Reviewing The NEW JMA Weeklies…

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Concerned For Significant Flooding Tonight Into Thursday…

The day is opening dry across central Indiana (and sunny for some), but another heavy rain event looms by the end of the day. The culprit? A stalled front remains draped across central Indiana and a surface wave will move along this boundary this afternoon into tonight. A “juicy” airmass will remain intact across the region with precipitable water values topping out at 2.5″ across the southern half of the state. This will promote any shower or thunderstorm that develops to drop very heavy rainfall in a short period of time (1″ to 2″ per hour at times).

As the surface wave interacts with the tropical air mass in place, widespread showers and thunderstorms will blossom across the region through the afternoon into tonight. Rain will continue into Thursday afternoon.

We’re still also concerned for severe weather this afternoon and evening, including a couple of tornadoes across the southern half of the state.

By the time the rain comes to an end Thursday evening, widespread 2″ to 4″ can be expected across the heart of the state, including Indianapolis, itself.

If that’s not enough, heavy rain and thunderstorms will return late Friday and continue in an “off and on” fashion straight through the weekend.

Unfortunately, some central Indiana rain gauges can expect to pick up an additional 5″+ of rain between this afternoon and next Tuesday…

Another unsettled weekend is on tap.

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VIDEO: Latest Thoughts On Tomorrow’s Severe Potential And Looking Ahead Through The 1st Half Of July…

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VIDEO: Severe Threat Continues To Increase Wednesday PM…

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Only Going To Get Worse Before It Gets Better…

The pattern into the medium range period continues to look like a broken record: excessively wet. Unfortunately, flood and flash flood warnings will continue to likely be issued over the next 7-10 days on an almost daily basis for at least portions of the immediate viewing area.

Current Flash Flood Guidance can be found below:

In most cases across central and southern Indiana, we’re only talking about rainfall of 1″ to 1.5″ in an hour’s timeframe that will cause flash flooding. 3 hour guidance is in the 1.5″ to 2″ range.

Tuesday will feature less overall aerial coverage of showers and thunderstorms (widely scattered) as compared to the past few days. However, we’re tracking (2) surface waves that will result in more widespread heavy rain and thunderstorms Wednesday afternoon into Thursday and again over the weekend into early next week with a moisture-rich, tropical southwesterly air flow in place.

After less rainfall coverage Tuesday, heavy rain and storms will return Wednesday PM into Thursday.
A wave of low pressure and vigorous upper level energy will lead to a threat of severe weather Wednesday afternoon and evening.

As mentioned above, severe weather is possible Wednesday afternoon and evening as vigorous upper level energy accompanies the surface wave scooting across the lower OHV. This will warrant our attention over the upcoming 48 hours and will likely lead to the Storm Prediction Center expanding the current Slight Risk further northwest with future updates.

Fingers are still crossed for briefly drier conditions Friday before we reload the moisture with a persistent southwesterly air flow this weekend. This will promote additional concerns for heavy rainfall over the weekend.

At times, this moist southwest flow will help precipitable water values exceed 2″. Needless to say, concern will remain very high for additional flooding problems over the weekend into early next week.

Widespread additional rainfall of 2.5″ to 3.5″ is a good bet with locally heavier amounts over the upcoming week.

More on the long range pattern into the Weeks 3/4 period tomorrow!

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VIDEO: A New Week; Same Ole Weather Pattern. Discussing The Pattern Evolution Into July…

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