December 28, 2021 archive

Time To Put Up Or Shut Up…

Updated 12.28.21 @ 7:52p

We’ve laid out our ideas and there’s certainly a lot on the table, but we’re now at the point to see whether or not the ground work that’s been laid will come to fruition. The active pattern has arrived and it’s this 10-day period of transition that we continue to believe will ultimately usher in a more persistent and prolonged cold stretch in the January 10th through 31st period.

The MJO is the kicker here and looks like we’re heading into Phase 8 (a notorious phase for eastern cold in January).

Do we stall in 8 or loop back into 7 for another late month tour through this cold phase? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, the PNA continues to look like it’s heading neutral to maybe even positive down the road.

More on this and other teleconnections early in the morning as our hectic Christmas schedule transitions back to normal!

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