Incredible Pattern…

Screen Shot 2015-02-15 at 7.54.13 AMHope You Like Winter…Many central Indiana neighborhoods are awaking to temperatures this morning between zero and 4 degrees above.  It’s a frigid start to the day and sunshine won’t do anything to help us out as highs only manage to climb into the middle teens.

Clouds will increase this evening and tonight and snow will overspread the southern half of the state late tonight and Monday morning.  This is from the storm system we said that it was too early to write off last week and that a northern shift was certainly possible as we got closer.  Sure enough, the northward jog took place yesterday and puts places from Indianapolis and points south in play for accumulating snow Monday.  We’ll continue to look over the data today and tonight and have more specific numbers later tonight.

Yet ANOTHER surge of arctic air will slam in here by the middle of the week and snow showers/ gusty winds will precede the bitter blast.  In fact, this 3rd arctic surge looks to be the coldest yet.  Amazing stuff!

As we rumble towards next weekend, there’s yet another winter storm we’ll have to keep a watch on…

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • 7-Day Rainfall Forecast: 0.00″
  • 7-Day Snowfall Forecast: 2″ – 5″

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