Fresh Batch Of HVY Rain Before Weekend Improvements…

Updated 03.24.23 @ 6:55a

Moderate to heavy rain has been falling through the night across the southern half of Indiana.

While rain will continue through the daytime downstate, it’s tonight that we’re most concerned around a renewed push of heavy rain that will likely push many creeks and streams into flood stage. This is all associated with a surface low that will lift northeast across the state and into the Great Lakes region. After southern Indiana takes the stage for heaviest rain through the daytime today, all of the region can expect to get in on the heavy rain act tonight. We bracket 11p to 3a for heaviest rain to fall through central Indiana.

A look at additional rain to come by noon Saturday:

The good news is that after tonight’s heavy rain, weather conditions will improve through the weekend. Our next storm system (much weaker) will arrive Monday but should be fairly moisture starved- certainly compared to our current storm. More on this and a long range look ahead Saturday!

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