Category: Weather Videos
Filed under 7-Day Outlook, Arctic Cold, Forecast, Forecast Discussion, Freezing Rain, Rain, Sleet, snow, Unseasonably Cool Weather, Unseasonably Warm, Weather Rambles, Weather Videos
December 3, 2014
We think we’re dealing with another round of light freezing drizzle and a wintry mix for the Thursday morning commute. Plan to allow extra travel time.

Forecast radar Thursday morning suggests freezing drizzle and a light wintry mix is in play across central Indiana.
There’s some longer term data that’s in stark contrast from what a positive PNA should produce (yet alone a strong positive PNA). Typical positive PNA pattern should promote an eastern trough and associated colder than normal pattern as drawn below:

Needless to say, we disagree strongly with the NAEFS and GFS ensembles:

Regardless, the future will tell!
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We cover rain chances later this week and some of the conflicting data that’s currently out there regarding amounts. We’ll post a more extensive piece about the longer range later…
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Filed under Arctic Cold, Auburn, Autumn, Football, Forecast, Forecast Discussion, Rain, snow, Unseasonably Cool Weather, Unseasonably Warm, Weather Videos
November 25, 2014
There’s just a little excitement in the McMillan household this time of year… Between Thanksgiving, the increasingly busy weather pattern, and, of course, the Iron Bowl, it’s almost too much…
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This evening’s video brief covers the chance of weekend rain and continues to focus on the arctic intrusion next week.

We’re still eyeing an unseasonably cold push of air by the middle of next week. Temperatures will plunge so low that it’ll feel more like late December than mid November.
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Quick Wednesday evening video update discusses the threats of rain, snow, and arctic cold in our future.

Showers will target the region along with gusty winds and colder air Thursday!
By the way, if you, or your business, can benefit from longer, more detailed video discussions and winter weather updates be sure to e-mail us about our personal and professional weather consulting services at Have a great evening!
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