Category: Unseasonably Warm

Quiet Weather Continues; Big Changes Loom…


  • Weak front passes through Thursday
  • Sun-filled, mild weekend
  • Big changes await

Enjoying The Relatively Quiet Weather While We Can…Dry conditions will remain in place today before a weak frontal boundary passes through the state Thursday.  Enough moisture will return in advance of this front to help spark a couple of light showers, but this won’t be a big deal and several neighborhoods won’t pick up any rainfall.

We’ll get back to dry, quiet weather over the weekend as high pressure builds in.  Sunshine and mild weather will continue.  Given what looms, it’ll be a perfect weekend to complete any lingering outdoor work or get those Christmas lights up!

Big changes await next week as winter gets ready to settle in.  The leading edge of the cold air will be accompanied by showers as we open the work week.  Easily the coldest air of the season awaits for later next week…

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • Snowfall: 0.00″
  • Rainfall: 0.25″ – 0.50″

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VIDEO: Generally Quiet Weather Continues (For Now)…

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Warmth Dominates Now, But A Cold & Wintry Pattern Is Lurking For The Holidays…

The short-term weather pattern will continue to be dominated by rather “boring” conditions for this time of year, along with much milder than normal air.  A weak frontal system will swing through here Thursday and while a light shower is possible, that’s really the only significant (if you want to call it that) weather feature through the upcoming 7-10 days.

In addition to the rather quiet weather, relative warmth will dominate as we open December.  When “normals” feature lows in the upper 20s and highs in the lower 40s, actual overnight lows will only fall into the low-mid 30s and highs will reach the middle to upper 50s.

When we look ahead, the shelf life of this warmth is certainly limited.  The GEFS showcases this shift in the pattern from a warm open to the month towards a much colder pattern very nicely.  The GEFS has other model support, as well.

This is the type of dramatic shift in the overall pattern that not only threatens to “lock in” a colder than average regime, but potentially lead to plenty of wintry mischief to boot, and just in time for the holiday season.

There’s teleconnection support for the wintry shift, as well, leading to further confidence of a significant move towards cold, and potentially snowy/ icy, conditions as the true holiday and Christmas season approaches.

To summarize, while unseasonably quiet and mild conditions will rule in the short-term, Mother Nature sure seems to have an attitude of making up for “lost time” in the medium to longer range.  This is the type pattern that we’ll have to monitor the potential of some sort of leader-follower scenario as the transition from warm to cold takes place, and given the blocky nature of the pattern, it sure seems like we’re heading into a busy time of things from a wintry perspective mid and late month.

Perhaps this will be the scene as Christmas time nears across the Mid West, including central Indiana?  Time will tell…

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Quiet Weather Continues…


  • Dry and quiet weather remains
  • Shower chance Thursday
  • Sunny weekend ahead

Boring Pattern Remains…An eerily quiet weather pattern will remain intact as we progress through the upcoming week.  We’ll notice an increasingly gusty southwesterly breeze later today into Tuesday and this will help boost afternoon highs very near the 60° mark.

A weak cold front will pass through Thursday and while a shower will be possible as the front moves through the region, this won’t be a significant weather event.  Slightly cooler air (not cold by any means) will arrive behind the cold front this weekend.  The bigger news will be the continuation of extended quiet and sunny weather.

Upcoming 7-Day Precipitation Forecast:

  • Snowfall: 0.00″
  • Rainfall:  0.10″

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VIDEO: Early-December Warmth Won’t Last…

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