Category: Severe Weather

Weekly #AGwx And Severe Weather Outlook…

Forecast Period: 06.02.19 through 06.09.19

7-Day Precipitation: Rainfall is expected to run above average through the period.

7-Day Temperatures: Above normal temperatures are expected through the period, mostly thanks to warmer than average overnight lows.

Severe Weather: We’ll remain quiet through early week before things begin to turn more active by midweek. The Storm Prediction Center is including the southern half of the region in a risk of severe weather by Wednesday (noted in the Day 4 Outlook below).

Summary: After a pleasant and quiet open to the period (today and Monday), thinks will begin to turn more active thereafter. Initially, it’ll take some time to “moisten” things up on Tuesday, but at the very least, light to moderate rain should work across central Indiana late Tuesday morning into the afternoon. Things will be fully saturated by Wednesday and periods of more concentrated rain, occasionally heavy, can be expected into the weekend. Unfortunately, guidance is in rather remarkable agreement of widespread 1.5″ to 2.5″ with locally heavier totals over the upcoming 7-day period.

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VIDEO: Severe Weather Potential Later Today; Discussing The June Pattern…

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Gusty Storms Blow Into Town Saturday PM…

The Storm Prediction Center has pulled the “Slight” Risk area more into Indiana with their most recent update for Saturday and we believe this may encompass more of the immediate area with subsequent updates.

The biggest concern has to do with straight line wind potential with one, or multiple lines of storms that will rumble through the state Saturday afternoon and evening.

The day will dawn bright and sunny with pleasant temperatures, but as the morning gives way to afternoon, conditions will destabilize and we’ll have our eyes focused to the northwest for thunderstorm initiation early afternoon across northern Indiana and Illinois. We then anticipate these individual storms to morph into a couple of lines of storms and push south into central Indiana during the mid and late afternoon/ early evening hours.

If you have outdoor plans tomorrow, please plan to have a means of receiving the latest information around potential severe thunderstorm watch/ warning information that may be required.

The 2nd half of the weekend will include fantastic weather (drier, less humid, and cooler) that will carry us into the first couple of days of the work week!

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VIDEO: Gusty Saturday Storms; Wet Pattern Returns Next Week After 3-Day Break…

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Short-Term Video Update: How Long Do Storms Last Tonight? Strong Storms Saturday PM?

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VIDEO: Storms Continue Today; Discussing MJO Influence As We Move Into Early June…

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No Rest For The Weary…

Active weather will continue as we move through mid and late week. A cold front currently north of the region will slowly move south into central Indiana before stalling out and lifting back north as a warm front Thursday. This will serve as a focal point for additional thunderstorm development over the next few days.

With a warm and moist environment in place, along with enough instability and forcing, storms may become strong to severe at times. While the setup the next couple of days doesn’t appear as favorable for tornadoes (when compared to yesterday), all modes of severe weather will be possible with the stronger storms. (Always have to be leery with a warm front nearby).

Periods of more concentrated storms can be expected this evening into Wednesday morning and again Wednesday evening into Thursday morning. In addition to a strong thunderstorm threat, locally heavy rain is a good bet.

There is hope that we will be able to work drier air into the region over the upcoming weekend, helping to reduce rain chances between Sunday and next Tuesday. Let’s keep our fingers crossed…

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VIDEO: Severe Weather Update…

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VIDEO: All Modes Of Severe Weather Possible This Evening; Another Unsettled Week On Deck…

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Stormy At Times For The Indy 500…

We’ve dealt with one round of showers and thunderstorms already this morning, but the bulk of the action remained north of the immediate area. Accordingly, there will be a greater chance of redevelopment this afternoon across central Indiana. A few of these storms could reach strong to severe levels with damaging winds and large hail the primary concern.

Don’t be surprised if future updates from the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) “pull” this Slight Risk area northward to include Indianapolis. Regardless, the ingredients are in place for a couple of severe cells this afternoon, locally, and it’ll be important to remain weather-aware.

While a shower is still possible this morning, thunderstorm coverage will likely increase in earnest between 1p and 4p. Locally heavy downpours and vivid lightning are a good bet with any storm that develops today.

The other item race goers will have to deal with today will be the heat and humidity. Heat indices will flirt with 90 out at the track this afternoon.

Another active day is dialed up for Memorial Day, itself, across portions of the state. More on this and beyond in another update later today.

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