Updated 02.06.23 @ 9:38p
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Feb 06
Updated 02.06.23 @ 9:38p
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Permanent link to this article: https://indywx.com/video-continuing-to-keep-an-eye-on-late-week-longer-range-rambles/
Feb 05
Updated 02.05.23 @ 10:57a
We still need to watch the leader-follower setup mid and late week. While an overall warmer than normal pattern will carry the day through mid month, there can still be periodic opportunities for wintry “mischief” despite the mild time of things as a whole. Perhaps more interesting though is what is happening behind the scenes now to potentially drive a more dramatic pattern reversal later this month.
We note the MJO is forecast to roll into Phase 8 just before the 20th.
This is not only a much colder phase, but also an active (stormy) phase, as well.
Note the high latitude blocking in place on the analog composite above. Also of note, forecast model trends are taking the EPO negative slowly but surely once past mid-February.
Call here is for a colder than normal pattern to return for the last week of the month and through at least the first week of March, but time will tell. In the meantime, we’ll pay close attention to the 12z guidance today on mid and late week and update again either late this evening or early Monday morning.
Permanent link to this article: https://indywx.com/plot-continues-to-thicken-late-month-and-early-march/
Feb 01
Updated 02.01.23 @ 6:04p
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Permanent link to this article: https://indywx.com/video-spring-tease-into-mid-february-but-be-careful-what-you-wish-for-as-late-february-and-march-nears/
Jan 29
Updated 01.29.23 @ 5:35p
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Permanent link to this article: https://indywx.com/video-light-wintry-precipitation-across-the-central-southern-portion-of-the-state-longer-range-pattern-update/
Jan 19
Updated 01.19.23 @ 6:15p
Our short-term products will continue to handle the snow threats this weekend and next week. In short, we have no changes to our thoughts on either of those from this morning. The 2nd storm has potential to be something much more significant, but we need to give it another 2-3 days before putting a forecast in concrete, especially this winter.
As for the longer range, a more seasonably cold brand of air is expected as we put a wrap on January, but I’m not willing to go further than that to suggest anything close to “bitter” cold is on deck- certainly given the time of the year. It’ll feel much colder, especially considering just how warm it’s been of late, but I just don’t see anything overly cold on the horizon, compared to normal.
Thereafter, the pattern drivers suggest a warmer than normal pattern will return. “Transitional” anyone? While I can’t say we’re looking at anomalies as great as what we’ve seen so far in January, I do think early and mid February will feature above to well above normal temperatures before colder than normal trends take hold late February and into early March.
The updated European Weeklies mirror the new JMA Weeklies and we see no reason to argue given the movement and overall alignment between the EPO, PNA, NAO, and AO.
Week 2
JMA Weeks 3/4
European Weeklies: Week 3
European Weeklies: Week 4
As we get out towards the latter part of February (around or after the 20th), the teleconnections mentioned above, that will likely promote the relatively warm conditions, will begin to turn around and drive a colder close to the month and open to March. In fact, there are signs the coldest anomalies of the entire winter (compared to average, not in the “absolute” form) will await for this period, and potentially continue into a good chunk of March, especially if the MJO amplitude continues and we add in a negative NAO. (I know, I know- remember that I’m only the messenger).
In the meantime, we also agree with the above normal precipitation pattern painted throughout the upcoming few weeks between the updated Weekly products.
In this active type pattern, despite the lack of bitterly cold arctic air, plenty of snow is likely still yet to fall this winter. In fact, despite the slow start, I wouldn’t be shocked if snowfall amounts end up being pretty dang close to seasonal averages with this type pattern (give or take a few inches). The ultimate irony will be if the bulk of that falls in March…
Much more in the morning around the Sunday and Tuesday-Wednesday snow threats!
Permanent link to this article: https://indywx.com/february-and-early-march-long-range-discussion/