Category: Long Range Discussion

Reasons Why Another Significant Pattern Change Likely Looms In January…

Updated 12.30.22 @ 7:50a

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Significant Thaw Ahead, But Bullish On Winter’s Return…

Updated 12.26.22 @ 9:40a

It’s certainly no secret that a big thaw is ahead. As we set the bar with this current cold spell, we’ll set the bar for the upcoming period of warmth: minimum of (2) days of highs of 60°, or greater, between Jan. 1 and Jan. 5. It’s another case of a significant thaw following a bitter blast of arctic air. In researching classic arctic outbreaks of the past, this happens many more times than not.

In any event, we continue to see the relatively mild and wet pattern carrying us through the first week of January.

But seeds are already being planted for a renewed wintry spell. In particular, the teleconnections are bullish on cold returning around, or just after, Jan. 10. We note the longer range charts keep these pattern drivers in a favorable position for more of a prolonged period of cold, as well:

Forecasters have to love the overall alignment as this helps build medium to longer range confidence in the overall pattern progression.

Then we add in the MJO rumbling into Phase 7 for early January. While there will be a bit of a lag, this is another signal for a cold look across the eastern portion of the country, especially by that Jan. 10 time frame.

While I can’t say we’ll see another arctic shot to the magnitude of this current frigid regime, I am more confident than normal from this distance in the period that runs from Jan. 10 through Jan. 25 being colder than normal as a whole. I would anticipate the longer range modeling (Weeklies, in particular) becoming increasingly cold with updates this week during that aforementioned period.

More updates to come as we rumble through this holiday week…

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VIDEO: Long Range Update And Short-Term Look At Our Next Snow Maker…

Updated 12.23.22 @ 7:58a

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Detailed Video Discussion On The Blizzard Conditions Ahead And The Longer Range January Pattern Drivers…

Updated 12.21.22 @ 6:42p

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VIDEO: Severe Winter Storm Takes Aim On The Region Late Week; January Pattern Discussion…

Updated 12.19.22 @ 7:20a

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