Category: European Model

VIDEO: GFS/ European Test Case To Open Up September…

Updated 08.26.22 @ 7:50a

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VIDEO: Model Differences To Open Up September…

Updated 08.23.22 @ 7:23a

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Fall 2022 Outlook…

Updated 08.16.22 @ 8:02p

It’s not very often that these unseasonably cool, pleasant stretches of weather greet us in mid to late August. I’ve heard from many that the recent dip in temperatures (and more notably, humidity levels) has ignited fall fever. (Self included). With that said, we wanted to take a few minutes this evening to lay out our fall and Harvest ’22 forecast.

In simple forms, we’re not expecting drastic changes from the past couple of autumns around these parts (milder than normal, overall). But, as we always say, no one season is identical to another, so there will, undoubtedly, be some challenges we’ll face over the course of the upcoming September through November time period.

A weak La Nina is expected to be in place through meteorological fall (side note: and beyond, however, guidance suggests we very well may be heading for an El Nino starting next summer). We can see this nicely with the latest SST (sea surface temperature) configuration.

We also continue to closely monitor the SST configuration in the north-central PAC and off the Northeast US coast. The dueling warm pools will likely have a say in the pattern as we rumble into late fall and winter.

Given this overall look and factoring in other forcing from analog guidance, one can easily make the argument that meteorological fall should open on a warmer than normal note. We think this will carry into October, as well. The 3rd consecutive Nina has us personally excited for a potential rather significant flip in the regime as we get into mid to late November. Recall, analog data loads the West and Central up with cold in November before spilling east. We’ll want to monitor that potential closely as time goes on.

As it is, thinking here is that Sept and Oct balance out slightly warmer than normal, locally. Upper ridging should take up shop across the northern Great Lakes into the Northeast through the better part of the 1st half of fall.

We note that’s what the latest European Seasonal shows:

September 500mb pattern

September Surface Temperature Anomalies (C)

October 500mb pattern

October Surface Temperature Anomalies (C)

The JMA Seasonal guidance backs up the European idea above



The thought here is that precipitation should run slightly to moderately below normal during the bulk of met. fall, as a whole. A lot of this has to do with the expected persistent upper ridging. As always, should tropical remnants find themselves up this way, that can wreck havoc on the seasonal precipitation forecast.

Both the Euro seasonal and JMA show this drier regime, locally:

We shall see if our colder thinking comes to fruition as we get towards the latter part of November and certainly have our early idea put to the test as we flip the calendar to December. The research never stops…

Understanding the “wild card” is November, we’ll go with meteorological fall running 2° to 3° above average, locally. Rainfall will likely be 85% of average unless tropical remnants can make it up this way.

In the meantime, happy fall, y’all!

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VIDEO: Pleasant Late Summer Conditions Prevail; Turning Wetter This Weekend…

Updated 08.16.22 @ 8a

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Sunday Morning Rambles: Tropics About To Wake Up? New Model Data In For Fall – Winter…

Updated 08.07.22 @ 8:44a

1.) In the short-term, a much cooler and less humid airmass awaits on deck this week. 2 frontal systems will pass through the state between Tuesday night and Thursday. We’ll notice an uptick in coverage of showers and thunderstorms starting this afternoon/ evening and repeating itself once again Monday afternoon/ and evening as the 1st front slowly sags south. Some gusty winds are possible with these lines of storms, as well as heavy rain. In fact, most areas in/ around Indianapolis and points north should cash in on 1″ to 2″ of rain (locally heavier totals) by Tuesday morning.

2.) The secondary cold front won’t have as much moisture to work with so coverage of showers and storms isn’t expected to be as widespread Thursday (“widely scattered” at best from this distance).

Thereafter, an even drier and cooler air mass is scheduled to arrive just in time for the weekend. Look for lower humidity levels, sunshine, and refreshing temperatures (even should dip into the 50s for overnight lows).

3.) After a quiet time in the tropics, there are signs we’re on the cusp of heading into busier days (should the MJO swing into Phase 2, then things could get very busy and in rather quick fashion). We note the National Hurricane Center (NHC) is monitoring a tropical wave that’s just now emerging off the African coast. There’s the potential the environment will become more conducive for gradual development of this feature over the next few days.

Also of interest is the precipitation pattern in the Gulf of Mexico over the next couple weeks. Additional trouble lurking here? It’s getting to be that time of year…

4.) Finally, new seasonal modeling is in for the upcoming fall and winter. The European seasonal model suggests that potentially our idea of a fast start to the upcoming winter (after a warmer than average fall overall) is on the right track.

Meteorological fall (Sept through Nov):

Note how the ridge builds in western Canada come December (reflection of a trough over the East). Candidly, for a model that struggles to ever really see cold, this is a bullish look. We’ll have to keep an eye on things as we get closer as I suspect cold to begin to show with more authority given the 500mb setup. Cold, wintry Christmas season in the works this year?


The pattern is shown to remain favorable for additional colder than normal weather, locally, into the new year:


Very interesting as this fits our early research (triple dip Nina). Also of interest is how things break down and are modeled to end on a warmer than normal note (would agree with this idea as well) as we finish off meteorological winter.


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VIDEO: Tracking Midweek Storms; Additional Chatter As Meteorological Fall Nears…

Updated 08.02.22 @ 7:30a

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Long Range Pattern Discussion For August And September…

Updated 07.29.22 @ 8a

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Long Range Outlook: Closing Out Meteorological Summer…

Updated 07.22.22 @ 7:15a

As we get set to flip the page to the last month of meteorological summer, there are some interesting developments brewing:

The MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation) is showing signs of getting revved back up. This will likely have impacts not only closer to home (starting next week with a wetter, cooler shift) but also in the tropics (would imagine things are going to start getting much busier in the weeks ahead, including in the MDR, or “main development region” of the open Atlantic).

The question becomes, does the MJO continue in the renewed amplified state through the bulk of August or collapse back into the “null” phase?

Secondly, the EPO (East Pacific Oscillation) is forecast to tank negative as we put a wrap on July and open August. This will go a long way in allowing a cooler regime (compared to where we are currently) and likely wetter time of things into our region as the ridge axis retrogrades west in the coming days.

The NEW JMA Weeklies are in and show the wetter, relatively cooler transition (not to say we won’t still see some hot days, but just that, overall, the pattern looks cooler in the coming few weeks) nicely into late August.

Week 1

Note the first image (rainfall anomalies) shows the transition to wetter times through the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley.

Week 2

Couple of items stand out here, including continued wet times across the Ohio Valley and large chunk of the eastern portion of the country. Also note the most significant heat is confined to the West.

Weeks 3-4

Even out at late-August, wetter than normal times are still shown across the East, including Ohio Valley. Seasonal to slightly cooler than normal temperatures are shown, locally.

The fresh European Weeklies are also in and show a very similar regime compared to what the JMA highlighted above. Note the most significant heat is focused West while well above normal rainfall is shown from the Four Corners, south-central Plains, and East.

For what it’s worth, while we may get through the traditional dog days without the typical heat and dry conditions, I do envision a warmer than normal meteorological fall this year. But hey, the trade off may finally be a fast start to meteorological winter… Hang in there friends, we’re getting closer to the best time of year (at least in my humble opinion)…

More on all of that in the coming weeks! In the meantime, enjoy your Friday!

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VIDEO: July Nears- Reasons Why We Aren’t Buying Into Persistent Heat In The Longer Range…

Updated 06.19.22 @ 9:40a

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VIDEO: Long Range Outlook And Getting Set For A Gorgeous Father’s Day Weekend…

Updated 06.16.22 @ 7:50a

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