Category: Client

Enjoy The Spring Warmth While We’ve Got It: Cold, Stormy Pattern On Deck…

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April Turns Active: Timing Out Storms…

A series of storm systems will impact the OHV region over the next couple of weeks. As we look at the overall pattern, a negative NAO will begin to have significant influence on the overall pattern through mid-April. We note the mean trough position settles into the western portion of the country with a reflection of a southeast ridge in place. Accordingly, the Ohio Valley will find itself in the middle of the primary storm track as we progress through the middle part of the month.

With said pattern in place, precipitation is expected to run above, to significantly above, normal during the mid-month stretch.

After a gorgeous Saturday (sunshine and lower 70s), the first of a series of storm systems will begin to impact the region Sunday. A couple of strong to severe thunderstorms are possible across southern and central IN- especially during the afternoon.

Thereafter, additional dates to monitor for storm impacts include the following:

Wednesday night and Thursday- April 10th and 11th

Saturday and Sunday- April 13th and 14th

Wednesday and Thursday- April 17th and 18th

We’ll be able to get much more specific with these individual storms as we get closer! An updated video will hit this evening looking closer at Sunday’s storm threat. In the meantime, get set to kick off the weekend with superb weather!

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Pattern Returns To An Active Time Of Things…

One word to describe the mid-April weather pattern? ACTIVE. Tonight’s medium and long range video update dives in further…

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Short-Medium Range Update: More On The Negative NAO…

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Timing Out When Rain Returns And Looking Ahead To A Beautiful Close To The Week; More On The Negative NAO…

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