1.) Model data continues to point towards some impressively cold air for so early in the season as we move through October’s 2nd half. 2.) Latest raw ECMWF numbers suggest highs next week remain in the 40s for (4) consecutive days- beginning Tuesday and continuing through Friday. This is extremely impressive for so early in the season. 3.) Northern hemisphere snow and ice cover is running well ahead of this time last year. There have been studies that suggest this helps promote blocking in the winter months ahead. (Latest image is posted below). Time will tell…. 4.) We’re not looking at particularly heavy precipitation amounts over the next week, or so, but there will be a few systems that will produce rain and/ or snow showers (yes, snow) between now and this time next week. Model precipitation amounts range from one tenth to one half inch over the next 7-10 days. 5.) There are some hints we may be looking at another surge of even colder air just in time (or around) Halloween. You may want to invest in a warm costume this year!
Oct 17
Afternoon Thoughts…
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