A Closer Look At Tuesday

Hoosiers are awaking to roughly half an inch of snow across the majority of central Indiana. The forecast went as planned overnight and we’ll keep a close eye on the lake effect band of snow hammering the Indiana snow belt.  Short term, high resolution, data (below) suggests snow showers move back into north-central Indiana by late morning/ early afternoon- primarily north of the Indianapolis metro.


Otherwise, it’s going to be a cold day with temperatures only rising into the middle 30s. This is much more like December as opposed to mid November and a solid 20 degrees below the average high of 54.


We have another “fun time” ahead in the mid range and we’ll begin to discuss the next storm potential later tonight.  As you can see, the GFS and ECMWF are in all sorts of disagreement below…


Permanent link to this article: https://indywx.com/a-closer-look-at-tuesday/

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