Almost Summer-like Today Before Sunday Storms…

Screen Shot 2015-04-18 at 8.02.52 AMHighlights:

  • Lower 80s today!
  • Heavy rain and storms Sunday
  • Cooler, showery Monday
  • MUCH cooler next week

SAT_EUS_WVENH_ANIThis morning’s water vapor image, courtesy of, shows the big swirl over the CO Rockies.  This will continue to move slowly east over the next couple of days.  Surface low pressure will organize over the lower MS Valley tonight and move north into Indiana Sunday afternoon and evening.  After a beautiful Saturday, clouds will increase tonight and widespread rain and thunderstorms will arrive Sunday morning.  With a deep Gulf connection, expect heavy rainfall, as well.  Much cooler air will then take over next week- jackets will be needed!

Before the rain and storms move in Sunday, be sure to enjoy the weather today- lots of sunshine and lower 80s!

hrrr_t2m_max_indy_12Forecast radar, courtesy of, shows the wet and stormy Sunday ahead.  Rain will push north through early and mid morning Sunday, continuing into the evening.

hires_ref_indy_32 hires_ref_indy_37 hires_ref_indy_40An average of 1″ to 1.5″ of rain is likely, with isolated heavier totals Sunday.  The model breakdown is below.

The Canadian shows the least amount of rain, with 0.50″ – 0.75″ through central IN.

GEMTotThe GFS paints 1.2″ of rain through central IN, with a “ribbon” of enhanced rainfall along the IN/ IL state line.

GFSTotThe high resolution NAM places emphasis on central and eastern portions of the state, including 1.5″ to 2″ amounts.

NAMTotThe RGEM shows a similar story to the high resolution NAM (above) with 1.5″ to 2″ through central IN.



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