March 27, 2019 archive

Finalized April Outlook…

Averages for April are as follows:

*High: 63.4

*Low: 42.7

*Rainfall: 3.81″

*Snowfall: 0.2″

By the time all is said and done, this is how we see April shaping up:

Modeling continues to show April opening cooler than normal and we agree that this will be the case, including a wetter than normal pattern, as well.

With that said, the persistent AK ridge begins to break down by the 2nd week of the month. This will lead to the early month chill being transient in nature and a significant flip to warmer than normal conditions during said timeframe, as well.

Note by the middle part of the month, a ridge is now forecast to be in the exact position the ‘mean’ trough position will locate itself for early month.

To no shock, it’s a vastly different temperature profile, as well. Now above normal warmth dominates. It’s easy to argue the model may not be warm ‘enough’ by this time over the OV and Northeast, with cooler anomalies across the SW.

The active pattern to open the month is expected to “settle down” for mid and late month as an upper level ridge dominates.

While the first week of April will likely run cooler and wetter than average, a rather significant flip in the pattern will result in drastically improved weather around these parts by mid and late April. By the time we get to month’s end, we think drier than normal conditions will rule across the northern Plains with warmer than average weather taking up shop across the Ohio Valley. A corridor of wetter than normal conditions is expected across the Intermountain West into the Lower MS River Valley.

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Heavy Rain Event To Wrap Up The Week…

Today will feature another day of gorgeous weather, including plentiful sunshine and warmer temperatures! After another frosty start, highs this afternoon will reach the middle 50s. Enjoy it as weather conditions will begin to deteriorate as we wrap up the week.

Scattered showers will arrive tomorrow, but these won’t really be a big deal. The bigger story will be gusty southwest winds and temperatures that top out in the lower 60s.

The first of a couple rounds of heavier rainfall will arrive Thursday night into Friday morning.

A cold front will remain draped over the region into Saturday before getting a “nudge” south Saturday night. This will serve as the focal point for additional rounds of rain Friday night into Saturday.

While precipitable water values won’t be overly “juicy” they will be sufficient enough to result in moderate to locally heavy rainfall at times.

A widespread soaking of 1″ to 2″ is a good bet by the time high pressure returns Sunday.

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